Why I am interested in researching social media bias.

Writing a research paper is something that can be hard at times with all the work that ends up coming with it but as long as one is interested in their topic one can end up finishing it quickly without a real struggle. For me social media is something that is interesting to me as well as computer software. Because of the topic I am searching up is about social media bias, if it is true or not, as well seeing if hate speech is more relevant on social media as well. They talk about using something called a BERT model that searches though all the words that are being posted to identify what kind of language is being used to identify who is the person behind the text and then it records how the algorithm is pushing out their posts because of the person behind it. That may not be all right but that is the general idea behind it. It has intrigued me to see if how someone is typing for their race or someone's else's are either being shown th...