Is music therapy really that great?
Music therapy is not what you may be thinking right now. If you're thinking it is just laying down in your bed listening to music depending on your mood to make you feel better than well, you are not wrong but you are not right as well. The reason why it is not wrong is that making your emotions feel better through music can be seen as a form of it but since I am assuming it was not prescribed to you, it is not actually apart of it. What is actual music therapy then, well it is music that is used in a skillful manner by trained therapist (encyclopedia, 1).
So cool we have music that can be given to us by therapists but how does that help you may be on your mind now. Therapy through music can help patients overcome challenges they are experiencing in their life like: social, physical, emotional, intellectual (encyclopedia, 1). Because everyone is different and because everyone takes the therapy for different issues it has a range that it helps people. Music therapy is able to help people by just improving their well-being to helping a woman with her stress and pain during labor (encyclopedia, 1). That itself I can only imagine how helpful that can be due to how much stress and pain one can feel through that. That's the reason why so many facilities, like: schools, rehab centers, hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, community centers, and even your own home (encyclopedia 1). Your own home can be a place where you can practice this kind of therapy, so yes, what you were doing on your bed on your own bed can technically be considered music therapy.
Let's get into the specifics, you have just been hearing me talk about how it is helpful but how exactly does it help? Apparently the rhythm in music can guide one's body to breathe slower and relax the body (encyclopedia, 4). One's heart rate and blood pressure tend to react to music as well (encyclopedia, 4). Because music interacts with the body like this it can help with behavioral therapy as well (encyclopedia, 3). It can as well sharpen one's mental acuity or assist in one's relaxation (encyclopedia, 5). Hearing all of this really makes it seem like music therapy is as amazing as some people claim.
There was also a study in 2014 where there was a control group of people who did not listen to music, another group who listened to music they disliked, and the last group listened to 'chill-inducing' music (ledgernote, 1). What they found out from those groups was that the group that ended up listening to the 'chill-inducing' music ended up being more generous than all the other groups which can mean that listening to music itself can end up bettering oneself as well.
Overall it really seems like music therapy is as great as most people make it out to be, especially with all these benefits with it. And unlike most other therapies it does not have a downside as well!
Sources used:
“." Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. . 30 Sep. 2020 <Https://>.”,, 5 Oct. 2020,
H., Jared. “25 Crazy Science-Supported Facts About Music.” LedgerNote, 19 Sept. 2020,
“Music Therapy for Dementia Patients.” SALMON Health and Retirement, 6 Oct. 2020,
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