Why do Babies have so many, gosh darn bones??

Babies have existed for longer than humans have been around and have been thought to be the most adorable creature in the world. Why do people say that when they are unable to talk to us, whine all the time, and the biggest issue of them all is that they are built different from us, and us humans hate different. Now you may be thinking I have gone crazy saying that babies are not human and are built completely different from your standard human, but know it is all true. To dip your toes a little into the information, so I don't shock you with the facts too hard is that babies have three-hundred bones in their small body and yes some of them are made of cartilage, but they are bones nonetheless (choa.org, 3). Now that you know a bit more of the structure of these demons, I mean babies, let's have you know some more of how their body works. These creatures have things called growth plates all over their body and if any of them happen to get damaged some insane things can happen t...